Let's invest in our future.
Let’s make a difference.
We believe dramatic action needs to be taken in the next decade. Our mission is to invest in profitable environmentally and socially positive solutions. Solutions that have a big measurable impact. We are creating a climate fund for the future. You can help with an investment starting from just $50. A better world – let’s make one.
Alone we are powerless.
Together we are a force.
We channel thousands of small investments from people like you to tackle the big problems. Problems like climate change and social injustice. As an investor, you'll own shares in the Let’s Make One company. You’ll get a say in the direction and challenges we take on. When the business is making sustainable profits, we pass them back to you.

Join the impact business where success is win-win.
We are bound by our mission and code of ethics requiring positive environmental and social impact. We believe that if the business wins so should the ecosystem, people and you.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
Problems are easier when you have friends
We need your help to create a dramatic positive environmental and social impact in the next decade. We will be using the climate fund to create solutions that are easy for everyone to take up and make a huge positive change.
Reducing carbon emissions.
Increasing renewable energy sources.
Increasing electric & zero-carbon vehicles.
Reducing single-use plastic & improving recycling.
“The people have the power. All we have to do is awaken the power in the people”